When I first began composing this post, I had a robot (Shaun
the Sweep) scooting across the floor in an attempt to gather the husky-tumble
weeds snowballing around the periphery of my living room. A loaf of bread was
kneading, rising, and set to bake itself in a machine on my counter top.
Another appliance was washing my clothes and its twin was drying some towels.
And me? With all that help, you might imagine me poised in
front of my computer, feet propped on an ottoman, fingers poised at the
keyboard for a little reflective writing. Far from it. I was making soup, the
old fashioned way, complete with homemade vegetable stock and diced
veggies—albeit via the food processor.
But I wasn’t relaxed—the machines hadn’t afforded me the
luxury of cooking a dinner in peace—I had 500 other things to do and think
about. Sure, I could have popped the lid off some canned soup—but that’s not
the point here.
The issue is that regardless of the advancements of which we
avail ourselves we will always be stressed; we will never “catch up” because
there is, simply TOO MUCH: too much information, too many opportunities, too
many choices: and no more time than we’ve ever had.
I read recently that the typical American filters moreinformation in a single day than Shakespeare was exposed to in his lifetime.
Poor Shakespeare? Hardly. He was able to focus on crafting a body of work that
has not only outlived him by a few centuries, its taken on a life beyond
anything the author could have conceived.
We’ve long past the point of being amazed by advancements:
instead, we’ve become enslaved. We NEED the mechanical advantage just to feel
we’ve got a shot at “having it all.”
And I have always wanted it all. Everything. All of it. I
don’t want to miss a thing.
But I am.
I’m missing the joy of a slow simmer, the luxury of
listening to more than a sound bite, the beauty of being fully present in a
single moment that’s not intersecting with a thousand images, data, posts, and
offers competing for their fair nanosecond of my brainpower (and

So here’s the plan:
Each day, I’m doing two things-divesting and investing.
Every day I am going to find something to get rid of: sell
on Craigslist, take to the thrift shop, or, if necessary toss in the trash. I’m
going to divest myself of things that get in the way of my breathing room—I am
going to literally make physical space.
I’m also going to invest: in freeing my mind—giving myself
some mental space, following pretty much the same pattern. I’m going to say no
(toss) one unneeded activity (a TV show, a facebook surfing session, some other
junk on some other screen) and make some mental space: for reflection,
rejuvenation, connection to the Creator.
Join me?
#iwantless #lent #40daysofless
#iwantless #lent #40daysofless
1 comment:
I like this, I like it a lot. I wish less for you : )
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