The first reason is undoubtedly Freudian in nature, as the entire family is exhausted from a prior-to-first-light sojourn back into Montana to use the internet.
Now, before anyone either notes the absence of a prior-to-first light post or sends me links to internet addiction facilities, let me assure you that my mission was long-planned, of extreme importance and that I failed miserably at its completion.
Today was my day to register for my fall classes. Back home weeks ago, it seemed a simple matter to both me and my advisor to grab some wi fi, secure my schedule and be on my way.
However, firewalls blocked key pages. Over the phone, staff from the registrar’s office found flags on my account—missing data, questions concerning prerequisites and the like. The staff from the Graduate office was summoned, emails were exchanged, professors were contacted. Despite the best efforts of a vigilant staff, I remain unregistered for class at present.
But projection of my own state is not the sole reason I describe Driggs as sleepy. No, the weary state in which I have discovered Driggs is due to the underuse of no less than 5 cute little coffee houses that were shut down for the evening before dinner. One place--a trendy little shop with leather couches and pumpkin patina walls was actually pouring coffee down the drain as I entered the store.
So I’m blogging on hotel coffee brewed in a little 8 oz pot.
In other news:
The turkey was found in western South Dakota, beneath a pile of rubble. By all accounts it jumped out of the refrigerator of its own volition and burrowed beneath the children’s backseat accouterments.
Which reminds me that our daughter has yet to use the teal ice cube trays. She simply carries them into various hotels and displays them on chairs and tables alongside her knitting.
The Wisconsin cheese survived, although it has taken on a rather free-form appearance.
My son’s future as the mayor of Brandon, SD is in doubt, as he’s renewed a life-long interest in hotel management and ratings. His trip journal reads like a Frommer’s Guide, each page covering the perks and pitfalls of the various establishments at which we’ve lodged. A page fell out of the car in the Badlands and I rescued it from the parking lot. It seemed to be some sort of diagram of the perfect hotel layout, but I’m not sure. He got testy when he found me looking at it. Evidently, it’s not something he’s ready to go to press with yet. He does, however, leave a star rating and personal comments on the nightstand every time we check out. He’s hoping his remarks will come up at “hotel meetings” and his name will be tossed around in upper circles within the industry.
Dr. M’s nurse called to tell me how normal all my lab work is, and to remind me that there’s still a Pending test they want to make sure I schedule. Isn’t that just my luck. I’m getting chased down about tests I don’t want, and despite the combined efforts of an entire University departments, I can’t seem to get registered for classes and exams to which I’d happily consent.
Today’s stats:
states 3
Total miles since last post: 1025
miles to date: 3169
Creatures: mule deer, elk, coyote, eagle, pelican, antelope, swans
where we are
Your blogs always make me laugh.. it sounds like a great time... its really making me want to take Steve on a cross country trip, but he definitely could not handle the not knowing where your sleeping thing. Keep the posts coming.
All I can say is ... Thank God, you found the turkey!!! I don't quite know why I have been obsessing with it, but now I can sleep! It truly sounds like you are all having a ball! By the way, if you haven't figured this out by now, your blogs have become greatly anticipated here and rival (and greatly surpass) anything and everything in the prime-time T.V. viewing spots. I haven't been so entertained in quite awhile. Until the next installment ...happy trails!
Love, Tis
This is Steve, i couldn't figure out how to log in with my Blogger acccount, so, i'm gonna leave my comment "Anonymously", whatever that means. Anyways, before i offer my commentary on this blog, i have to make a comment on what my wife said about not knowing where we were sleeping thing. Point of order i'd be ok with that, as long as i knew where we gonna eat each day, i can sleep anywhere. Anyways, back to my comments on your excellent blog !
Allow me to share my condolences with you on your class registration issues. I can say w/certainty that i know what you're going through from personal experience, since i got to LU, i don't think there's been one semester where registration has gone completely normal, so, reading your blog, i am convinced that the colleges of America have a conspiracy against students hoping for easy registration !!
And secondly, i don't know how you put up with those coffee houses closing down early and pouring the coffee down the drain, shoot, i go crazy if i see my wife pouring out perfectly fine coffee from her travel mug, i think i would lose it if i had been in your shoes. Alas, credit to you for staying patient with those stores, Kudos my friend !!
Think that's all for now, man, this comment is like a blog within a blog. Oh, side note too, Jennifer is so funny because everyday she asks me if i have read your blog and she reacts in disbelief when i know all the stories that she wants to share from reading your blog, she just can't believe that i read it faithfully everyday !! Anyways, keep having a good time, enjoy it !
In Christ, Steve
Oh yeah, one other thing about Allison and her ice cube trays. When she made such a huge production about bringing those items on the trip, to the point that it merited inclusion in your blog, you should tell her on a daily basis that she has opened herself up to be called out on her "lack of usage of a critical item". If it were Jen and I, those ice cubes are a guaranteed opportunity for me to get a rise out of her all the time over her lack of usage, so, figured i'd pass that on so you can have some fun with your daughter over that. If she has any issues with that, tell her to consult the Sarcasm guide, it's on Amazon, and it has the rules in there on what qualifies on being able to get a rise out of your family members and loved ones.
In Christ, Steve
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